Private Limited Company Incorporation Process in India Kochi, Kerala

Incorporation of Private Limited Company or  OPC in India - Ideal if your business is Startup and Medium size

  • Many advantages, Less Compliances with ROC and Minimum Fees
  • Incorporation in 2 days | Include Incorporation Certificate, DSC, DIN, PAN, TAN, AOA & MOA
  • Eligible to apply for Startup India Recognition & Tax Exemption
  • FinTax Consultants provide Free Post incorporation consultation

IF you are Planning for Startup Recognition of your proposed Company, then Choose either of the 2 Option

A) Private Limited Company 

Minimum 2 Directors and Shareholders required. Starting Share Capital? - Any amount Rs 10000 to 10 Lakhs. We recommend Starting Share capital for a Startup upto Rs 1 Lakh and Increase lateron as per requirement in furture.

A Foreign Resident can also be a director and Shareholder along with one Indian Resident Director. 

B) One Person Company ( OPC Pvt Ltd)

As the name name itself speaks an OPC can be started by SINGLE Director/Shareholder. One Nominee appointment is must. 

Documents Requirements for a Company Incorporation?

For All Directors/Shareholders

1) Photo, Email ID , Mobile No., PAN Card, Aadhar Card

2) Any one ID Proof Voter ID / Driving License / Passport

3) Address Proof – Latest Bank Statement / Mobile Bill/Telephone bill/ electricity bill

4) Company Registered Address proof - Mobile Bill/Telephone bill/ electricity bill / Any Utility Bill and NOC from Owner.

It is not necessary that all Directors address should in same state wherein company’s registered address is proposed.

* (Above all documents also require for a Nominee in case of OPC)

A Private Limited Company and OPC is registered with Registrar of Companies under Ministry of Corporate Affair.

Registration Process?

Step 1 – Hire a Consultants ( FinTax or any other CA or CS )

Your right Consultants will Assist you for complete registration from initial to end.

Next Step – Apply for DSC ( Digital Signatures) for all Director/Shareholders (if you do not have)

Step 3: File Name Approval of the Company or Direct File Incorporation

In 2-3 days you get Incorporation Certificate along with PAN, TAN, AOA and MOA


Once your business get recognition certificate from DPIIT, you are termed as Startup Company.


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How to Register a Company in India


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Company Incorporation Fees


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Company Incorporation in Bengaluru


Company Incorporation in Maharastra


Company Incorporation in Karnataka


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Company Incorporation in Jammu and Kashmir


FinTax ROC Compliance Services

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